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What is SMS marketing vs. email marketing?

Text and email marketing may seem similar, but they’re two distinct marketing practices.
Of course, the biggest difference between the two marketing strategies is how they’re delivered to customers. But there are other similarities and differences between SMS and email marketing that are worth knowing. Being aware of them will help you glean the greatest benefits from both strategies.

SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing is often thought of as another term for text messaging, but in reality, it’s so much more than that. SMS stands for “short message service.” These messages are limited to 160 characters and cannot contain images, which means that using SMS marketing requires clever, concise messages.
Some of the things that make SMS marketing so important include its high open rates, timeliness, and delivery to generally-receptive audiences. It’s a very powerful strategy — so much so that it’s expected to grow into a $12.6 billion industry by the year 2025.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing refers to sending marketing messages directly to your customers’ email inboxes. This may refer to direct marketing messages about sales or events, but it can also include things like newsletters, customer re-engagement emails, and abandoned cart summaries.
Email marketing has been shown to boast serious marketing benefits, from building credibility and brand recognition to increasing traffic to your website. In fact, email marketing has an ROI of $36 per dollar spent.